Labels:answering machine | book | bottle | computer | crt screen | earth | grass | lamp | monitor | plaything | rock | sculpture | sky | table | windowpane OCR: Apple Personal Modem Overview Features Benefits The Apples Personal Modem is a serial interface Workswithany Apple system,oranyother compact 1200/300- -baud modem computer thar has an BS 232 interface that communications provides cost solution -effective for any data Compact design power Mounts strip, directly saving .. onto valuable wall dese socket or space Apple personal computer system. Packs into your luggage easily With the modem and appro convenient traveling priate software your Macintosh" Compatibiliry with popular Works .-....-........--. with MacTerminal" Access II or Apple computer can com- communications software and other Hayes-compatible programs municate with other personal .................. .... computers, minicomputers, and Automatic dial redial and answer Saves time and ...